Labels:daily | earth | encyclical | fence | reckoner | road | sky OCR: exploits does being carried 011 during he decadewhich the dovernen Enelan eriod - roval minority. in which the of his political activity W8.3 immed liately f llowed the second childhood of Ricahrd - Bordea ard III. In the only sense that childhhod of hia dfathex, E head. mattered. the cOutH withol formof covernent monare shical Now. in lieval England the political health that the kind and the very first conditio nof lind to and custom and with dus should rule; rule course aCCO. 03e birth entitled them TC regard for the opinion of those His personal initiative and supervision counsel him, but above all rule inority offered an inso luble problem were essential That beind 30 title exercise the royal aut hoxity Thers could there 7/83 30He0He preatide infan under lost decadewhicl Englan itical ...